Quantum Intuitive Readings
What is a Quantum Intuitive Reading?
An Quantum Intuitive Reading is simply me receiving messages energetically from spirit(s) seeking to relay messages or information to you. This could be from your higher self, spirit guides, passed loved ones etc.
I receive my information mostly in the form of Claircognizance (clear knowing), Clairvoyance (clear seeing) & Clairsentience (clear feeling). Some readers will use divination tools such as tarot cards etc. but I personally find information just flows to me easier without them.
Every session is different, but I’ve come to understand that every message received is one that is especially needed or helpful at that specific time (or will be applicable for something in the near future).
People come to me for many reasons. Sometimes it is to specifically inquire about a specific person, others are seeking guidance in their lives, and some just book out of pure curiosity! It works for everyone, is completely safe and for my own ethical reasons, I will never relay messages that could be potentially damaging, as I believe in relaying empowering, positive messages from those who only have your highest good in mind.